Brothers and Sisters
All your Bargaining Demands were brought forward during 7 days of Bargaining Preparation with the Bargaining Council. These demands have been advanced to the Bargaining Council Wage and Policy Conference and are on the table. The most important demands are on the main table and we are looking at an historic round. Solidarity is building as we enter into negotiations this Wednesday. Updates will be provided in a confidential manner at meetings and via conference call. Sunrise 2023 refers to the Sunrise Clause on the 1 1/2 for the first ten on Saturdays. The Sun will Rise on the double time May 1, 2023. We have demanded that the CLRA enable the double time on Saturdays back into our agreements immediately and we know that many contractors are already paying double on Saturdays. Our local asked for and approved in advance double time on Saturdays in 2019 and again each year since so that there would be no problem with the infamous article 15 which prevented the contractors from paying over the minimum in the agreement.. The CLRA has not provided any evidence that 1 1/2 on the first ten on Saturdays helped them get market share. In fact it has impeded contractors from getting workforce. This time around we will be reminding the clients and the contractors that our Human Capital is the ONLY real capital on the job. No one has capital ($$) without the Human Capital to produce it. You are that Human Capital. Our productivity is up. We have no better chance than now to win back what we deserve.